正文 The Old Age Of Queen Maeve

The Old Age Of Queen Maeve

A certai in outlandish clothes

Gathered a crowd in some Byzantine lane,

Talked1 of his try and its people, sang

To some stringed instrument here had seen,

A wall behind his back, over his head

A latticed window. His glance went up at time

As though one listehere, and his voice sank

Or let its meaning mix into the strings.

MAEVE the great queen ag to and fro,

Between the walls covered with beaten bronze,

In her high house at Crua; the loh,

Flickering with ash and hazel, but half showed

Where the tired horse-boys lay upon the rushes,

Or on the benches underh the walls,

In fortable sleep; all living slept

But that great queen, who more than half the night

Had paced from door to fire and fire to door.

Though now in her old age, in her young age

She had beeiful in that old way

Thats all but gone; for the proud heart is gone,

And the fool heart of the ting-house fears all

But Soft beauty and i desire.

She could have called over the ……(内容加载失败!)




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