正文 A Prayer For My Daughter

A Prayer For My Daughter

Once more the storm is howling, and half hid

Uhis cradle-hood and coverlid

My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle

But Gregorys wood and one bare hill

Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind,

Bred olantic, be stayed;

And for an hour I have walked and prayed

Because of the great gloom that is in my mind.

I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour

And heard the sea-wind scream upoower,

And uhe arches of the bridge, and scream

In the elms above the flooded stream;

Imagining ied reverie

That the future years had e,

Dang to a frenzied drum,

Out of the murderous innoce of the sea.

May she be granted beauty a not

Beauty to make a strangers eye distraught,

Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,

Being made beautiful overmuch,

sider beauty a suffit end,

Lose natural kindness and maybe

The heart-revealing intimacy

That chooses right, and never find a friend.

Helen being chosen found life flat and dull

And later had mu……(内容加载失败!)




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