正文 瞧见老鼠的阿莉西娅

闭眼,它就走掉。父亲说,许那是你的像。不管怎,一女人的本分是睡觉,才玉米饼星星 一醒,那星星现那早,早,眼角的余光,瞥那些腿,藏在水槽面,藏在四脚的盆面,藏在无人修理的鼓胀板面。

阿莉西娅,了妈妈的,很难有一的人爬做装午餐盒的玉米饼。阿莉西娅,继承了妈妈的擀面杖渴睡的,年轻聪明,头一次,两趟火车一趟巴士,因不在工厂,在一根擀面杖的一生。是姑娘,我的朋友,整夜习,瞧见老鼠,那些父亲说不存在的老鼠。什不怕,除了四条腿毛茸茸的东西。有父亲 。

Close your eyes and they''ll go away, her father says, or You''re just imagining. And anyway, a woman''s place is sleeping so she wake up early with the tortilla star, the ohat appears early just in time to rise and catch the hind legs hide behind the sink, beh the four-clawed tub, uhe swollen floorboards nobody fixes, in the er of your eyes.

Alicia, whose mama died, is sorry there is no one o……(内容加载失败!)




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