正文 “爸”·“爹”·“妈”


孩子刚说话,最先的音就是最容易的音就是“爸”、“爹”、“妈”些音,中外是一的。英文Pa或Papa或Dad或Daddy是“父亲”(Father)的意思,但比Father亲热。所你写信,不写Dear Father该写Dear Dad,我附一封英文给爸爸信的本在面:

June 10

Dear Dad,

The flowers are beautiful! Mother and I will enjoy them at our table for several days, I know. Everything is so new and so exg. I heard several French adians singing their songs as they stood oern waving to some friends on the dock. It is like a fn land already. Im all anticipation for the summer to e. I only wish you could be with us.

Love, and thank you for the wonderful trip and for the flowers.



Davie was down.“M, Mother. M, Dad.”he said with that deferehat es on a sixteen-year-old when he has something to ask for, something he wants much.

“Herere your waffles,……(内容加载失败!)




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