正文 记印度阿三


古候,有人有一特技,够一脚站很久,他向斯巴达(Sparta,在今Greece)人说:“我不信你有本。”(I do not believe you do as much.)但斯巴达人回他一句,有什了不,“每条鹅。”(True, but every goose .)

古候了,但现代仍有一脚站着显摆的人,就是印度人。印度人鬼名堂很,一脚站着,一手举着,太阳底晒着(standing exposed to the sun for many hours),拿顶(remain with the head bent down),手握拳,让指甲穿手长(Keep their fists closed for years, so that the nails grow through the palm and out of the back of the hand.),或埋在几,活(remain buried for days at a time and emerge from their “graves” alive)。……

些无聊的特技,是印度人的本。一套本,最像的部分就叫“瑜伽”(yoga 1.(in Hindu religious philosophy)a system of ascetic practice, abstract meditation, aal tration, used as a method of attaining union with the supreme spirit. 2. a system of exercises id physi……(内容加载失败!)




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