正文 那么让他们吃饼嘛!


法文有一字叫“顾媚”(gourmet),就是讲究吃的人(a oisseur iing and drinking,善判别饮食恶人;an epicure,食者),很像中文中的“老饕”,但老饕有一点挖苦的意味。法国的“烹饪”被做一艺术(Cooking is sidered an art by the French. They are world famous for their salads, sauces, and soups. Almost every region, city, aaurant of France has its own food specialty. These specialties include truffles(mushroomikel plants)in the Guyenne region, snails in Burgundy, sausages in Arles and Lyou, omelets in Mont St. Michel, and pressed du Paris.),一笑话说国人嚼口香糖饭店,法国饭店老板(patron,注意英文patron法文patron意思不同)拒绝伺候他——阁嘴含“橡皮”,安品味!

法国人因讲究吃,所foods的花,cheeses就有两百做法。法国的党(party),十(国英国有两党),法国英雄戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)说有两百cheese花的国岂有一党?(How one ceive of a one-party system in a try that has over two ……(内容加载失败!)




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