正文 波澜N多的波兰


你弹萧邦Frederic Francois Chopin(一八一○——一八四九)的品吗?Chopin是波兰人。活了三十九岁。Chopin played the piano in public when o years old. He began to pose soon afterward. He studied at the Warsaw servatory from 1826 to 1829 before leaving Poland in 1830. He settled in Paris in 1831, and, except for some travel, he lived there the rest of his life.

波兰夹在德国俄国间,老是被侵略、被瓜分、被瓜剖豆分([of a ty] to be divided or split like a melon or a bean;to be partitioned)。


The poles also have an insatiable appetite for translations of Molière and Shaw and for their own 19th-tury dramatists who wrote from exile, when their try artitioned among three neighb empires.

The plays, novels, and music of this period helped keep the Poles sense of nationhood alive. One poser, in particular, has stirred polish pride through the dark years, He, of course, is Chopin, whose birthplace at Zelazowa Wola, 2……(内容加载失败!)




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