The jouro SHANGHAI DREAM has been fraught with false starts, bouts of frustration, and occasional feelings of hopelessness. I would like to thank the following people who have offered opportunities, inspiration, and encement as I felt my way through my own string of escalating nightmares to plete this book.

I would like to thank Lawrence g for introdug me to the amazing city of Hong Kong, the pleasures of Hong Kong aovies, and teag me to swear in tonese, all those years ago in our London dorm room. Many thanks to Lawrence Gray of the Hong Kong Writers’ Circle, whose enthusiasm for “the craft” helped in ways that even he might not fully appreciate. At the last minute, Sharon Cooper’s meticulous eye ehat glaring typos etc. did not make it into the finished manuscript. Any typos in the novel are entirely my own. Thank you, Sharon.

I would also like to mention my sister, Anisa Johnny, who always believed I would one day reach my destination, evehe proje……(内容加载失败!)




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THE AUTHOR目录+书签Chapter 1