正文 Chapter 2

Professor Yao arrived punctually at the Waldorf Astoria in New York. It was a hotel that, despite the proliferation of intelligent buildings with elaborate ecosystems over the last few decades, had mao g to its ageing Art Deco charm. The Waldorf Astoria was a landmark historical building, kept that way by a ittee of iial members of the establishment to protect the rapidly disappearing remnants of the old New York city. The digerati, osti, financiers, politicos, academics, teocrats and the wealthy had desded on this archaic patch to attend the World Teology Forum, the biggest meeting of fame, money and minds in the modern world.

It was raining heavily outside and the clouds had turo heavy gray molasses shifting slowly across a featureless sky. Now safely ihe ostentatious hotel, the diminutive professor found himself weaving his way between the sharp Saville Row suits and iional designer outfits of high society. He felt like a carp out of water, trying to……(内容加载失败!)




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