正文 Chapter 4

The ese man examined his smooth pale fa the mirror. The peeling walls of the small regular bathroom were awash with the kaleidoscopic effeulticolored neon light refracted through the tiny rooftop window and splayed through the thick air like so much splattered blood at a murder se. The luminous effect brought back memories of cyberspace, except that this was static, like the stant in a linear equation.

Cyberspa the other hand was in a perpetual state of flux as data bred new data and digital life forms took shape everywhere. The rays of neoiful as they looked, did nothing for the unwashed cracked imitation porcelain bathtub that sat in one er with the scum of the assassi bath still adhered to its sides like dead pixels.

He raised a thin bony index finger and massaged the black mole-like biological interface that sat on his neck just below his skull, interface to another universe. He ook a bath with the remote access module on, although this was one of t……(内容加载失败!)




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