正文 Chapter 6

There alpable air of excitement in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel’s Starlight Roof. It was so thick you could slice through it with a khe room had filled up and there was a bank of TV cameras from the major broadcasters lined up at the back of the auditorium like a firing squad. The lenses of the robotic cameras and the huge le microphones were aimed at ter stage. Some of the cameras were going through an intricate puter-trolled dance routine of automatining, swooping and zooming.

The members of the audience had tired of admiring the ornate deliers, appraising the intricate artwork on the ceiling and perusing their itineraries. They had had enough of fiddling with their translation maes awking at the robots w the isles. A thousand whispers, murmurs, tête-à-têtes and polite versations coalesced.

Professor Yao was waiting in the wings backstage. On the opposite side at stage right stood Wendy Bruckheimer, flowing red hair lit up gloriously by the harsh sta……(内容加载失败!)




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