正文 Chapter 9

The Blue Line Maglev whizzed through dark tunnels vibrating with holoverts pulsing down from grime-covered display units. Caldwell was wedged tightly between a middle-aged ese lady with an unfortunately placed mole on her upper lip and a rabbi muttering quietly to himself. The knapsack was on his lap, led in the crook of his arm like a mother nursing a tender new born. He spent a few moments rapt in thought. Then it hit him. They were after the sole. It was the only thing that made sehe only loose end that ying up. But how would Glyph know about that? Kenzo Yamamoto. The HUB. It was all starting to make sense.

The goon on the platform would be on the rain. Luckily the Maglevs came through in two-miervals. His assailant wouldn’t know at which statio off, unless of course they had access to a system that was monit the Cetworks. He would be fine once he hit the Isle of Dogs station. Caldwell tried to put his current dilemma out of his mind ahe impl sounds……(内容加载失败!)




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