正文 Chapter 10

Li Jin walked over to the water dispenser and filled his vacuum flask with hot water. He watched the leaves oea swirl around c the water as the flask filled up. He was alone in one of the most secret of Tsinghua Uys puter labs, a facility for whily he, Professor Yao and a handful of others had regular clearahe lab was hidden deep within the gleaming glass and e Nanoteology Research building. The small research facility was a subse of the State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Teology and Systems and could also draw on the resources of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular and Nano Sce. State Key Labs were gover-funded research anizations affiliated with New a’s top uies. The lab’s size belied the importance of the research being carried out within.

Li Jin was worried. He was worried about Professor Yaos destirip to New York, the implications for their work and his future on the research program. Was the professoing to sell the design for the quantum chip……(内容加载失败!)




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