正文 Chapter 11

The Puzzle was located on Pepper Street in the Isle of Dogs. The pub overlooked a black expanse of toxic hydrogen oxide along the Millwall Docks in the dilapidated East London area called the Dods. The Isle of Dogs, a water-bound tongue of marshland inside a dramatic u-bend ihames River, had at oime been transformed from historical wharves, dockyards and warehouses to swanky riverside residential plexes with stunning views of the river. That was a long time ago. Rising crime had seen a steady flow of residents bail out of the area as the surrounding black zones encroached from all dires. The area had since degeed into a haven for squatters, other forms of human parasite and Union freelancers boating or driving in from the ti.

At the docks, a few yards in front of The Puzzle, a few dilapidated-looking boats bobbed atop thick-looking oil-slick water. Most of them didn’t look seaworthy. Round the back of The Puzzle, within a perimeter of linked fence, Ca……(内容加载失败!)




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