正文 Chapter 12

Diane Jopliraight away that her father’s death was no act. She was sure it had something to do with the sleek black sole that she now had in her silver carry-on Samsonite. Just the previous m, before he had left the house for the airport and his flight to New York, he had e to her room and woken her up. Sleepy-eyed she had studied him from behind an unruly fringe of brown hair, taking in the old-fashioned detail of his English gentleman’s tweed jacket with the leather-padded elbows. He had looked every inch the professor that he was.

“Leaving already, Dad?” she’d asked languidly, slowly propping herself on to her elbows.

“Yes angel, duty calls. You know if you get bored here you e and joi the Astoria in New York.”

“I know Dad, but you know how much I love New York. Not. It’s not a teen-friendly city.” she’d said mimig the voice of a lecturing adult.

“And which city is teen-friendly might I ask?” her father had demanded playfully.

“Em, L.A……(内容加载失败!)




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