正文 Chapter 13

“Holographic TV is Satan’s jukebox,” Caldwell heard one of the intoxicated men at the bar say to Ram, the bartehe other men at the bar were still transfixed by the glimmering hologram that gyrated before them to blaring music. Ram, who was busy wiping the table adjat to where Caldwell was sitting with a gray cloth, stopped mid-wipe and smiled, revealing a row of surgically carved white teeth. They were the imported kind you could get for peanuts in the alleyways of East Ham. Teeth made to order, in any material you want, ivory, pearl, marble, even diamonds if you wao put your money where your mouth was. Caldwell had a funny feeling that Ram had been looking ily at his knapsack. Had he been listening to their versation? Did he know about the sole? Publis were notoriously famous for stig their noses in gigs that were no of theirs.

“Better the devil you know, better the devil you know,” Ram replied somewhat illogically to the drunk, his eyes shifting……(内容加载失败!)




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