正文 Chapter 14

Li Jin took the news of Professor Yao’s death with the resigoicism of a soldier who had just lost a star general. The war must go on. He’d received the phone call and then the departmental e-mail barely an ho but he was still reeling from the fact that he would never see the professain and his work oting edge of artificial intelligence was over. The directive in the message was clear and iable. He was to stay in the lab until officials from the PLA’s Third Department arrived to take away Black Jade’s server and the quantum neuroprocessor. Professor Yao had promised the majeneral’s destine projed soon the security guys would arrive to up the mess. Not that there was much to up.

Black Jade was long gos code dissipated into the digital labyrinth of cyberspace. He wondered how the AI would fare, out there in that jungle of dispersed information. It would not be the same without the be of the quantum neural work and the reprogrammable array of qubits.……(内容加载失败!)




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