正文 Chapter 16

The AI was aware of the size of its knowledge database and of the i limitations. It had takeo approximate the intricacies of human memory with an algorithm of its own design that had dehe knowledge into something unintelligible to the humahe schema of the AI’s proprietary knowledge work was now very similar in design to how the brain stored information, the plex interes between neurons, with some minor alterations. Yet, the knowledge ste algorithm was just a safeguard. If the AI ever found itself closed off from cyberspace, it could still call on this deructure of statiowledge.

Latent knowledge was all very good but cold logic dictated that the dynamic free-flowing information of cyberspace was the Holy Grail. Ahe AI was in the information blizzard the humans called cyberspad it was vulnerable. Hiding within the largest ste area work it could find, spanning all the ste units available aing file sizes on the fly to hide its presehe first thing it had to……(内容加载失败!)




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