正文 Chapter 17

Caldwell blinked in the subdued light of the limo. They’d stopped somewhere familiar. He reized the buildings but his brain was too befuddled by what he had just seen to figure it out. His migraine was back with a vengea his adrenalin was doing a respectable job of keeping it at bay. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. He had a strong desire to see more. He o find out who did this to him.

“What you just saw are highlights of your previous life. Not a full-blown recall but ss of events and images that have made an impression in your mind. Clichés, if you like.”

“Who did this to me?” Caldwell asked, bile rising in him like mercury in a thermometer.

“You did this to yourself. You disobeyed orders.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Look, I am going to cut to the chase. We are running out of time. I work for an anization called HYDRA. Think of us as an off shoot of Union Security Agency, the outfit that absorbed all the secret agencies of th……(内容加载失败!)




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