正文 Chapter 19

The sky above Waterle was devoid of stars and spitting acid rain. The pools of rain water on the asphalt reflected a kaleidoscopic film of mystery chemicals. It mirrored the state of Caldwell’s mind. He tried to focus his thoughts on the dead hacker Glyph. It was hard to believe that the hacker had betrayed him, for a pittano less. What an absolutely pointless way to die.

He had to find Kat, the only human that could pass as a friend, to say goodbye. She’d be crushed if she found out that he’d left the Union without letting her know. And he wasn’t going to die without doing that. Although they made tact very rarely retly, Caldwell had been too busy trying to make a living, a strong unbreakable boed between them. It went beyond the bounds of friendship, family or amorous relationships.

They had met in the back alleys of Waterloo at a time when Caldwell had no memories to speak of and he was besieged by migraihat were so intehat he frequently blacked ……(内容加载失败!)




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