正文 Chapter 20

Li Jin was reeling from his good fortune. He had found a Russian buyer for Black Jade’s neuroprocessor on the sector of cyberspace that teemed with dealers from a whole load of former Eastern Bloc tries. The find had been much quicker than anticipated. He had placed cryptiformation about the chip on a bulletin board that he knew was a mag for fencers of stolen teologies iern Europe, especially Russia. These guys dealt in traband of various descriptions, advanced processor design, cutting-edge software, blueprints to classified puter systems, aircraft design and who knew what else.

Li Jihat the serious buyers automatically monitored the boards with bots that notified them when something iing emerged on the market. The bots were traio filter out hoax messages and other well-knowronic scams. Li Jin had written such bots himself so he knew how they worked. A potential buyer had picked up on his post and the message had e back from an Oleg Krachev from the ……(内容加载失败!)




请考虑使用〔Chrome 谷歌浏览器〕、〔Safari 苹果浏览器〕或者〔Edge 微软浏览器〕等原生浏览器阅读!


Chapter 19目录+书签-->