正文 Chapter 21

Caldwell and Kat headed back towards Waterloo station. Her frail form moved beside him with surprising agility. She had the Sim Unit going but the goggles were perched on her forehead like the sun glasses of a beach bum seeking a moment’s relief from a harsh summer sun. He could hear the soundtrack to whatever movie she was watg buzzing in her ears. His knapsack taining Kenzo Yamamoto’s sole and the sum total of his personal effects was slung around his left shoulder and he carried one of Kat’s duffels in his other hand. The sky above the station itch-black with industrial pollution.

They caught an almost-empty Maglev to the Isle of Dogs. Kat and Caldwell sat in the deserted carriage in total silence. A silenderscored by the low-level hum leaking out of her headphones. He wondered what anyone who saw them sitting there would make of them. This odd couple brought together by fate, circumstand a strange inexplicable mental e. What would they make of th……(内容加载失败!)




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