正文 Chapter 22

Diane Joplin’s JAL flight la Narita at exactly the desigime. 10.28AM. She had spent the entire flight, all four hours of it, getting acquainted with a portable Lonely Pla augmented reality information system on Tokyo she had purchased in one of the souvenir shops at Logan Iional Airport.

The unit didn’t work during the flight, relying as it did on visual markers on the ground to fun properly, but Diane had figured that if she jacked the glasses into the in-flight eai system she could probably use the latter’s display to view the tents of the database. And she’d been right. Ihe plastic glasses was a tiny piece of flash memory taining the eabase on Tokyo as well as a simple operating system that overlaid the data over what you were seeing through the glasses. Old teology but it worked.

Diane found out that by switg the unit to manual mode and pointing the glasses at a photo of Tokyo Tower in one of the glossy in-flight magazines she’d be able to pull……(内容加载失败!)




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