正文 Chapter 23

Caldwell woke up to find himself slumped lyph’s makeshift worktop. The terminal had logged him out of his base and he was totally exhausted from his memory trip. Blue light streaming in through the trailer windows told him it was the crack of dawn. He looked at his watd the clo one of Glyph’s soles to firm it. It was 6.10AM on both. That was the kind of accuracy you got when you get the time via radio waves iime from the Atomic Clo Switzerland by which all time was measured.

Kat was still fast asleep breathing with a faint rasping sound. Still curled up like a teus. She had somehow ged position though and her head was now at the bottom of the bed. Weird. Her Sim Film had ended and colored light from the default ssaver flashed itently over her eyelids. Caldwell headed into the modified shower cubicle. There was a shower seat in there with steel grips, which Glyph obviously used to hoist himself out of his wheelchair and on to the shower seat. It looked……(内容加载失败!)




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