正文 Chapter 24

Majeneral Wang’s black bulletproof Buick sped through the gates of the nondescript pound before the People’s Liberation Army security guards could rush to their feet and affect the mandatory salute. The majeneral made a note in his vast brain to give them a firm dressing dowime permitted. He required everyoo be alert at all times, now more thahe pound was the headquarters of the Third Department of the PLA General Staff and was located in the sprawl of Beijing’s Haidian district, home to the nation’s top uies, research labs, sce parks and teology corporations. The majeneral’s mind was reeling from the aftermath of ret events.

He took a deep puff on a gold-tipped Zhongnanhai Premium, thiie-stained fingers holding on to the cigarette as though it was some kind of precision instrument. Thin lips set into a largish face with stroures exhaled the smoke, which was quickly flushed away by the car’s powerful ventilation system. He stubbed out the cigarett……(内容加载失败!)




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