正文 Chapter 25

The HYDRA jet was decked out exactly as Caldwell had imagihere was more real leather furniture than Caldwell had seen in his lifetime. There were plush leather sofas, reers, a massage chair, three desks with swivel chairs, a bookcase full of important-lookiher-bound books and a large plasma TV s. Even the bar stools were covered in real Italiaher. A bank of terminals lio cyberspace via the aircraft’s onboard satellite system blio one side of the main area of the aircraft. A fully immersive VR suit hung limply inside a glass et.

As soon as they stepped aboard, Ms. Levin disappeared into one of two doors leading to the back of the plane. A large red sign above the door read RESTRICTED: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. Caldwell thought he was flying Lobotomy Air, courtesy of HYDRA, the pride of the Union. The two agents settled their frames in one of the plush Italiaher sofas and flipped on the plasma. Agent Jones opened a partment in the sofa’s armrest and pu……(内容加载失败!)




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