正文 Chapter 27

Caldwell staggered into the room with Ms. Seven Levin following close behind. Turbulence. She pressed a hidden button somewhere below the handle of her red leather attaché case and the four sides collapsed to reveal a traption with several sensors and those tiny devices that sat literally millimeters from your retina. They not so much as projected images, as directly stimulated your optierves. There was also a device that looks like an old lady’s shower cap but it was hooked up to a thin fiber optic cable that disappeared into one side of the traption. There was something that looked like an optical disc that she loaded into the traption and it started whirring and spinning. Caldwell didn’t like the look of any of this.

“What the hell is that?” he asked nervously, beads of sweat rolling down the side of his fad disappearing into his shirt collar.

“It’s the bits of your memory bank that yoing to need for this mission. I’d say that disc holds the ……(内容加载失败!)




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