正文 Chapter 28

The soles of Li Jin’s pumps hit the floor much earlier than he’d anticipated and he felt the muscles in his sinewy legs absorb the impact with room to spare. He paused for a few seds allowing his heartbeat to slow. Then he switched on the small flashlight ahe tiny beam dance around the room. It was a small enclosure, not much bigger than his dormitory room at Tsinghua. He sighed. He would probably never ever see that dormitain. Then the beam danced over something that had his heart rag all ain.

There was a gurney in the ter of the room. On closer iion, Li Jin realized that it was more like an elaborate dental chair with the backrest pushed way back to allow the oct to assume a reing positioo the dentist chair was what looked like some sort of lamp/heater hybrid. They were on in Beijing, inexpensive lamps that provided a modest amount of heating at the same time by redireg the heat from the filament outwards into the room. He felt along its stem and sw……(内容加载失败!)




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