正文 Chapter 29

The HYDRA aircraft touched down at Hong Kong Iional Airport just after noon. Caldwell stared out one of the windows as the plane skidded to a halt. He’d never seen so many aircraft in one place before. There were hundreds of them with many landing and taking off simultaneously. There were plahat landed and stopped abruptly, plahat took off from a stationary position. They just shuddered and shot up vertically into the sky. There were hybrid plahat took off like a helicopter, then they’d sprout wings, the rotors would fold down, and they’d shoot off like a jet fighter. Amazingly, most of the airline logos were familiar to him. In his previous life he had probably been a frequent flier.

“Thank you for flying HYDRA Air,” the two Eurasian stewardesses said in stereo over the inter. Caldwell wondered where they had sequestered themselves for much of the flight and sidered the remote possibility that they had actually flown the plane, if in fact it had b……(内容加载失败!)




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