正文 Chapter 30

Diane Joplin wondered how she had emerged from the myriad depths of Shinjuku Station in one piece. She figured she wouldn’t have made it out of there without the help of the AR unit, which superimposed instrus on to the glasses telling her exactly which exits to take. She had bought the AR on a whim and now it roving itself to be worth a lot more than the money she had shelled out for it. Diaood still on the pavement outside the exit trying to get her bearings as a non-stop n of Japanese humanity oozed out of the station all arouhe AR had superimposed a detailed map over the interse with blinking arrows indig the way to the Keio Plaza Hotel, which was located to the north just a few minutes walk away.

The snow had stopped falling and the cold Shinjuku air was surprisingly refreshing even though Diane found it difficult to get used to the numerous flickering images of giant outdoor ss and the blaring sound of advertising. This was exactly how she had im……(内容加载失败!)




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