正文 Chapter 32

Oleg Krachev was getting into his rhythm now. He began to thrust even more eagerly as he felt the explosion start to well up inside of him. The girl underh him was trying her hardest to match the sheer frequend variety of the Russian’s movements but he roving too much for her. Her small naked body was covered in a thin film of perspiration mixed with the Russian’s saliva and semen. Iwo years as a prostitute, she had never met a man who could keep going as long as he had. He had picked her up from the Great Boss hostess nightclub isimshatsui distrid paid her bar fine for the night. This had amouo some ten thousand dollars paid in cash plus another five thousand which he had slipped into her hands. What the hell, he was going to be a rich man soon.

They were in a small villa in the bustling but seedy Kowloon ercial distriongkok, which rented rooms out by the hour. Every one and a half minutes or so, the deafening sound of aircraft thundered above them a……(内容加载失败!)




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