正文 Chapter 34

The Omnipotence desded on the ring of fire like a meteor hurtling irrevocably towards earth. Each flickering flame represented a hotbed of intrusioion and elimination activity owork that lay glimmering beyond. Whatever, lay withiwork was being attacked by something that was leaving no security hole unexplored. And that something roduct of the Omnipotence, fragments of itself desigo lure the AIs to a battle that could not possibly be won. Await the exhausted enemy with ease.

The end game was to bee part of the very essence of those AIs, part of their DNA, they in turn being parts of its own sum. In a matter of mihe security AIs grew calm, the lig flames or resistareating into dying embers. The battle had been won before it could begihe Omnipotence marveled at the certed efforts of resistance. A show of strength that it had detected nowhere else in cyberspad this intrigued it greatly. Whatever lay within was immensely valuable to whoever ow. And the Omnip……(内容加载失败!)




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