正文 Chapter 38

When Oleg Krachev received the message about the ge of plan, he began to harbor doubts that he was dealing with an amateur. The whole thing with the two-way radios had suggested that his terpart was someone who had no idea what they were doing. Walkie talkies used radio waves that could easily be intercepted, heard or jammed by the police or ah a powerful ser and those were widely available in the shops on Nathan Road. The disposable phohough, suggested that whoever he was dealing with had used the two-way radio idea only to lead Krachev into believing that he was an amateur.

From his KGB days, Krachev had knowo buy a gun in any major city. He recalled that the point of purchase was in gking Mansions, a crumbli of cheap hotels, unhygienic restaurants and dodgy tailor shops. It would have to do. gking Mansions used to be a spot oourist map, its cheap aodation and myriad variety of knock-off retail appealing to European backpacker types keen to see a bit……(内容加载失败!)




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