正文 Chapter 39

The black hybrid Range Rover exploded out of the gates of The Mansion like an enraged bull charging at a matador. Mei Lin had it guzzling fuel because it ate up more road that way, she explaio Caldwell. Only the elite of Hong Kong could afford to keep hybrids on the road these days as the tax on hybrid vehicles was double that of electrid both petrol and diesel were severely rationed with prices to match. They were trying to hit town before lunchtime as Mei Lin reed that robably the best time to breach the facility. At lunchtime guards were down, awareness was low as staff trated oing a good square meal to see them through the afternoon. Caldwell and Mei Lin, oher hand, were skipping lunch.

“You get a quota every month. Once you’ve used it up, that’s it. If you don’t use it, it doesn’t carry over to the month,” she explained.

“Similar to the Union, except that the hybrid tax is a lot more punitive. That’s if you get a lise,” Caldwell observe……(内容加载失败!)




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