正文 Chapter 40

Diane Joplihe afternoon in her hotel room surfing the Japanese sector of cyberspace. The hotel’s in-house Mitsubishi sole did a fairly good job of translating the Kanji on the fly. She pored through so many news stories aures related to the Yakuza and to Kenzo Yamamoto that she now sidered herself somewhat of an expert oopic. Several hours later, eyes tired from the stant stream of words scrolling down the s and the void iomach screaming for attention, she ordered room service.

Ten minutes later the bell rang and she opehe door, a bit self-scious since she was wearing only the white terry-cloth robe with nothing underh. There was no ohere except a room service robot, its sensors blinking rapidly. The trolley moved smoothly past her into the room and positioself at right ao the desk and the in-house sole. Xybo, sensing food, was on the alert, its tail wagging expetly. Diane wondered whether now that robots where doing everything, the people who used to ……(内容加载失败!)




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