正文 Chapter 42

Li Jin stood in the glass elevator as a crowd of chattering Hong Kong shoppers gregated around him. It was a death trap pure and simple. He was vulnerable in the basement of the shoppier. If the man on the escalator was waiting for him on the floor above or on his way down, he was in big trouble. He peered at the row of buttons on the elevator and his suspis were firmed. Every siton had been pressed. The only way out was to somehow disappear into the crowds but if the man was standing at the entrance of the elevator on the floor above there was no way to do that.

Then his attention was drawn to the elevator buttons. A sigo the buttons annouhat the basement housed the food court and an underground parking lot. The elevator doors were closing. He pushed violently through the crowds and stuck his hand through the closing elevator doors. It was a risky move but it was his only ce. Dui bu qi, dui bu qi, he apologized in Mandarin as the door opened and he eme……(内容加载失败!)




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