正文 Chapter 43

Caldwell watched the text message scroll across the bottom of the AR glasses.

“Sorry for the delay I ran into some problems.”

It was Mei Lin. Caldwell couldn’t respond on the unications el without drawing attention to himself but he figured Mei Lin would be able to see him manipulating the Kai Shing blueprints on the sole in the Range Rover. There were five teis in the trol room, which looked like it had a maximum capacity of about thirty. Caldwell figured the other teis were probably still out to lunch or off duty. Many data ters ran a thin roster to save costs. There was a bank of digital iional clocks along the front wall above more displays showing the vital signs of the data ter.

“I know you ’t respond but make it snappy. I just realized that the tral gover facility that broadcasts digital information is just across the road in the Murray building. It’s just a matter of time before they figure somebody is broadcasting on their restricted fre……(内容加载失败!)




请考虑使用〔Chrome 谷歌浏览器〕、〔Safari 苹果浏览器〕或者〔Edge 微软浏览器〕等原生浏览器阅读!


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