正文 Chapter 44

Miakahashi handed Hirayama a piece of string and the square-shaped nomi and turo plate the Shinjuku skyline. His face was an inscrutable mask of resolve. The move caught Hirayama, who was h nearby, pletely by surprise. The whole episode was just a blur. He held the string limply in his left hand and stared into space, seeing nothing. He had just told the oyabun the bad news. His men had failed to prevent the Diane Joplin girl from being spirited away frht underh their noses. And in Hong Kong, Hideo Sato and Miyagi had failed to capture Cad Caldwell arieve the sole on two attempts. The whole thing was turning into a fiasd somebody had to take responsibility. Why did it have to be him?

They were in one of Takahashi’s many business offices dotted around Tokyo. A huge wall-to-wall window revealed a breathtaking vista of Shinjuku stretg out to the snow-covered outskirts of the city. The view outside was a dense sprawl of gray crete and neon. Hirayama studie……(内容加载失败!)




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