正文 Chapter 45

“I take it you got what you wanted?” Mei Lin asked again as the Range Rover sped down the Eastern Harbour Expressway towards Quarry Bay.

“Yes. I was just cheg the data traffiit server for large data trao New a. You won’t believe this. Over the past month or so, one single institution has been responsible for more in-bound data than all the other ers bined.”

“Whistitution?” Mei Lin asked, glang sideways at him.

“Tsinghua Uy.”

“Tsinghua? In Beijing? My alma mater. New a’s leading academistitution. Iing.”

“Yep. A manages mirror servers for them too. I created a new user on one of their mirror servers. Tsinghua as the source of all this makes a whole lot of sense doesn’t it?” Caldwell mused.

“You say that again. Good stuff Caldwell. As you probably figured, the stakes just went sky high,” Mei Lin warned, with a serious look on her face that gave Caldwell sed thoughts about what he was about to suggest.

“Things are about to get rough?”





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