正文 Chapter 46

Li Jin watched the man called Oleg Krachev walk up the steps towards Kowloon Mosque. He k was the Russian because everything about him fitted the description. Even though the man he was looking at was somewhat older than he had expected, ht and potbellied, there was something about his stride that led Li Jin to focus on him. There was also that determined look, the blotchy skin from too much drinking and the fact that he looked so out of place. He looked her like a tourist nor a local expatriate.

Li Jin was about to move to the other side of the roof garden to watch Krachev emerge when his heart stopped beating. His body had responded even before he’d realized what his brain had registered. The small ese man he had seen in the shopping mall was walking up the steps, obviously following Krachev. How had the man found him? Li Jin realized that given the current situation, choosing the maze was a lucky break. If he played things well and remained calm, he……(内容加载失败!)




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