正文 Chapter 48

The air in the trol room at the Third Department’s Haidian pound in Beijing was thick with tobaoke and the hum of puter soles. A dozen tired teis typed away, eager to give the majeneral the impression that they were still alert, even after seventy-two odd hours on the job. Several of them had been asleep at their terminals when the majeneral had walked in. They were now fearful of the trajectory of their various PLA careers. The time on the digital wall clock read 7.08 AM.

The majeneral looked pissed. He had stormed in demanding to have an ao the niggling problem of the work intrusion which had been discovered the day before. Hundreds of man hours after the initial discovery, they were still he wiser. And Lieutenant Liu’s future was looking even more precarious than theirs. That fact was being increasingly apparent. The youeis watched from the er of their eyes as the lieutenant, pale-faced and blotchy-skihrough lack of sleep, veins throbbing violently……(内容加载失败!)




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