正文 Chapter 49

Caldwell heard his name rumbling through the mountains like distant thuhe sound gradually grew closer. It was Mei Lin calling out to him. The goggles had slid off his fad he was slumped in front of Kenzo Yamamoto’s sole, which had reverted to its former shape. He’d been booted out of the Tsinghua system. The lights in the operations room were on.

“Wow, that was so realistic. I thought I was dead.”

“Dead? What happened?”

“Call it a stroke of luck, call it whatever, but I may have stumbled upon the ao all of this.”

“Go on,” Mei Lin urged.

“I hacked into the Tsinghua Uy system and found the puter that seems to be single-handedly responsible for the data being sucked out of cyberspace. It appears it is not so much sug data as replig it into the largest database probably ever built. We are talking terabytes of data everyday. We are talkiive data, mostly US eic, financial and stific data. It’s almost like the entire knowledge of the Western world ……(内容加载失败!)




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