正文 Chapter 50

Li Jin was over the moon. He had played a dangerous game with a sophisticated adversary and had emerged the unlikely winner. He was now wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. As soon as he arrived in Xian he was going to first remove all trace of the money from the system. He shuddered in his empty first class partment as he recalled the face of the assassin when he had realized that Li Jin was not in the maze at Kowloon Park. Evehe assassin had known that he had lost. Yet he had e running out of the maze anyway, like an irate rhinoceros. Li Jin stared outside the window of his partment, watg a seemingly endless expanse of greenery and various shades of crete and white tile flash by. His view of the world would never be the same again.

Li Jihat ing back to a could either be a stroke of genius or the prelude to his demise. Yet, he suspected that ohe PLA found out that he had sold the chip, the natural assumption would be that he had fled the try. And he had ……(内容加载失败!)




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