正文 Chapter 52

Diane Joplin sat in the van listening to the discordant melee of the voices. The voices were not in agreement. One of them had risen above the din and instructed her to slide open the doors of the moving van and jump out. Yet, the other voices, her mother’s and ohat sounded vaguely like her father’s, told her to be patient. All the while, she kept her eyes trained on the man with the smooth long face who had saved her from the Yakuza. There retty girl driving the van and from the way she was switg lanes she looked like an excellent driver. Diane wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard the man refer to her as Seven, which she cluded was an odd name even firl. It had to be a code name, she figured. They’d dropped the two identikit heavies off not far from Kabukicho and then the van had driven up one of those flyovers.

The man, who had told her that his name was Fouler, had tried hard to reassure her that she was safe. He was n to make a phone call from……(内容加载失败!)




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