正文 Chapter 54

The assassin stood perfectly still watg the koi swim lazily in the dark pond. He admired their beauty, the quiet fluidity with which they moved beh the surface of the water. The pond was the color of onyx, its depths revealed by the refles of light from the mansion that stood just a few meters away. Around him a small army of garden robots moved silently, re-arranging rocks and raking sand. Their activities and the darkness remihe assassin of the bots in the desert all those years ago.

The events of the last few days were beginning to catch up with him. It was as though the ghosts of those he had killed, Kenzo Yamamoto, Professor Yao, the Russian Oleg Krachev and now this one who was soon to be dispatched to the great beyond, had possessed him. The ghosts were i on draining all the energy from his body.

The first two kills had given him no pleasure but he had felt his blood rad his adrenalin peak as he watched the Russian’s life leave him. The man had ……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter 53目录+书签Chapter 55