正文 Chapter 56

Miakahashi walked out of the luxurious bath and sauna adjoining his expansive bedroom. His face was flushed red from a whole hour spent soaking ih, the water kept at a sistently high temperature by puters to sooth his body. He dabbed at his glistening black hair with a towel and sidered his fad his naked body in one of the large mirrors in the bedroom. He looked good for his age. His stomach was reasonably flat and if he held it in, a six pack was clearly disable below a thin layer of fat.

He had spent most of his time ih thinking about Hirayama, the soles and Majeneral Wang. The death of this man was the only way to put a stop to all this nonsense. As for Hirayama, he knew what his adviser wanted most of all. That was why he had kept the man close by and not given him the space to think and plot on how to attain what he coveted most of all.

Takahashi was ner to ambition. He himself had been endowed with more of it than most people and that had seen him……(内容加载失败!)




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