正文 Chapter 58

Majeneral Wang’s voy of 4x4s drove through the gates of the former No. 455 Military Hospital on Shanghai’s Huaihai Road and stopped in front of the dilapidated Southern Ameri mansion on the grounds. The headlights from the vehicles revealed white paint peeling off ns of crumbling crete. In the surrounding darkhe untended hedges of the garden threw strange shadows. High above, yellow light streamed out into the night from open French windows.

The PLA driver prodded Lieutenant Liu, who was sn in the front passenger seat. The lieutenant rubbed his eyes sleepily, realized where he was and quickly got out of the car and opehe door for the majeneral who gave him a disapproving look. The door to the dilapidated mansion opened and another PLA officer came out to greet the majeneral.

“Majeneral Wang, hope you had a good trip sir,” the officer said ceremoniously.

“What is the situation?” the majeneral asked, as he lit a cigarette. He was tired and had no pa……(内容加载失败!)




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