正文 Chapter 59

The green and yellow taxi dropped them off at the top end of The Bund, Shanghai’s two kilometers of European brownstone buildings that harked back to the city’s ial past. Zhongshan Lu, the road that was sandwiched between the neoclassical fa?ade of The Bund, the Huangpu River and the stantly giropolis of Pudong, was a maelstrom of neon, vehicle lights, myriad flyovers and the buzz of a city alive. The view was so breathtaking that Caldwell just stood on the pavement in front of one of the European-style buildings and stared at the Pudong skylihey’d decided to e here first to test run Kenzo Yamamoto’s sole before dealing with the problem of the AI. Mei Lin had also reasohat following the PLA all the way to the hospital was too dangerous. It was much better to sneak in and catch them by surprise.

Gleaming towers of steel and crete disappeared into a smog-filled sky, their neons screaming to be noticed. Giant robotic es moved slowly between the buildin……(内容加载失败!)




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