正文 Chapter 60

Li Jin’s rented van sped along the dirt road creating dust clouds in its wake. It was dark and the deserted winding road was full of pot holes and barely visible in the dim glare of the headlights. Li Jin was driving while Lao Zhou, the headman of his remote Shaanxi village, stared straight ahead, his brow furrowed with . In the back of the van, the supplies he had purchased in Xian. Before that, he had paid a visit to a bank in the walled city and bombarded the young teller with a bewildering array of financial instrus. It had already been dark when Li Jin had driven up to the village and woken the headman up. Lao Zhou had been happy to see him after an absenore than two years but his elation had quickly transformed into when he had seen the van and the supplies stacked in the back.

Li Jin had simply thrust a thick wad of New a Yuan in the old man’s hands and explaio him what he needed dohe headman did not uand what Li Jin was asking and he didn’t ……(内容加载失败!)




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