正文 Chapter 61

Caldwell and Mei Lin were just three blocks away from the No. 455 Military Hospital at No. 388 Huaihai Road. They had rushed to the Peace Hotel on The Bund, checked in and deposited their luggage. Caldwell had spent a long time looking at his fa the bathroom while Mei Lin made some phone calls. He looked much healthier even though he was tired. He longed for the familiarity of capsule memory foam. Some of the lines on his face were gone and the bags below his eyes had dimio shadows. He almost looked normal. He had returo the room to find Mei Lin cheg the Glocks they had bought from the obnoxious kid Mozi in Zhongguan. That was the beauty of diplomatic bags. You could bring practically anything you wanted into the try, short of an armored tank.

“Do we really hese?” Caldwell had asked.

“Let’s hope not. Yet, if you are right, this AI has to be stopped at all cost. You hato the system aransmit the hack to Fouler. Then it’s up to him. You would have ful……(内容加载失败!)




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